Could Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 Compete With iPad Air in Enterprise Market? iPad Air consistently scores five stars in various reviews, but it may need to start relinquishing some of its...
It May Not Be Possible to Disable Magazine UX on NotePro and TabPro Tablets We heard a rather unlikely rumor last week that Samsung has a plan to ditch the Magazine UX due...
Details of Three Models of Galaxy Tab 4 Emerge We heard previously that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 will arrive in two color options, Ebony Black and...
Samsung Galaxy Note Pro and Galaxy Tab Pro Could Arrive in the UK Next Month At recent CES event, Samsung has unveiled new, powerful Galaxy Note Pro and Galaxy Tab Pro models. In fact,...
Samsung May Release 13-inch Tablet This Year Samsung revealed that it will release more tablet models with larger displays during the conference call for financial performance...
All Samsung Galaxy Tab PRO Models Are Available for Pre-order in the United Kingdom Samsung recently announced that UK customers could start pre-ordering all Galaxy Tab PRO models, with 8.4-, 10.1- and 12.2-inch...
LG G Pad 8.3 is Available for £199 From Expansys and Clove Popular UK retailers, Expansys and Clove, are selling the LG G Pad 8.3 16GB WiFi-only for only £199.99. LG’s...
Insurance Firm: Apple iPad Mini is the Most Fragile Tablet in Europe Tablet users in the United Kingdom should be particularly aware that the iPad Mini is recently called as the...
Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 is Released in the UK The Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 is Samsung grandest and latest tablet in the market and it is finally available...
Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 is Available for Preorder in the UK The huge Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2-inch has finally up for order in the United Kingdom, while its sibling...